The Business Services sector continues to be extremely active and Lexington have analysed the market in our latest quarterly Business Services report.

The report offers valuable insights and explores the trends that have influenced deal volumes in Q2 2024. Our subsector spotlight for the quarter was the Fire and Security subsector, which continues to be a hotspot for M&A activity. The subsector has been a key focus for both Private Equity investors and strategic trade players over the period, as the industry continues to experience significant growth driven by increasing regulatory requirements and market consolidation.

We provide analysis on how each subsector in the Business Services sector has performed and provide key details on recent M&A transactions, including deal values, key market players, and underlying M&A strategies. Our analysis also looks at projections and trends that will likely influence future M&A activity in the Business Services sector.

If you are considering embarking on a growth journey, want to exit your business or would like to learn more about the services Lexington provides, please do not hesitate to get in touch and we would be more than happy to discuss this further with you.

Read the full report here  >  Business Services M&A Report – Q2 2024