‍So you are considering selling your business and are looking for a Corporate Finance Advisor to represent you? If money were no object, you’d probably pick one of the big, high-profile firms with a big reputation, high-profile clients and impressive offices. Seems like a no-brainer, right?

‍Well, that’s not always the case. A smaller firm with a focussed, hungry team might well be the better choice.

‍Don’t fall into the trap of being caught up with the name and address of a firm. Experience and track record is really the key to success and getting the individual to lead the deal with whom you have the most empathy and can form a good working relationship.

‍Remember, you are going to spend the best part of the next six months having almost daily contact with your chosen Advisor – you will probably end up spending more time with them than your partner and family in the closing stages of a deal! A frightening thought, but very true – you have to have mutual respect and be in a position to have a two-way open and frank conversation with each other at all times – is that big, high-profile firm full of production line advisors really the best way to go?